.Who is God?
God is the Creator of the universe and all that is in it. He especially arranged His creation to support life on earth so that He would have a place for Man. That is for us humans, the ones He created to be loved by Him and to love Him back. 
Why are things not good?
Man chose to rebel against God and to seek our own will and way instead of His. This put us at enmity with Him, the One who made us and still loved us. This rebellion brought a curse on the earth and the harsh results of rejecting God. 
What are the consequences of this rebellion?
Since we were made to live eternally with God, and we chose to reject Him, there only remains an eternity without Him. This eternity after our earthly life ends will be spent in a place the Bible calls “the Lake of Fire.” 
Is there any hope for man?
Because God loves us and wants us to spend eternity with Him, He made a way for our death penalty to be paid. He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to live as a man – without sin, and to die and raise again so that He could offer us a gift of eternal life. 
How do I get this eternal life?
The Bible says in John 3:16 ” For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”  This means that by simply by believing His promise of eternal life through His death, burial and Resurrection, we can have eternal life.  If you want to talk to someone from our church about this you can fill out the form on our connect page.  Be sure and put your phone number in the message if you want us to call you.  Further information can be found here – https://faithalone.org/tracts/you-can-be-sure-2/